Like the branches of a tree.
Sometimes side by side, sometimes completely unaware the other one even exists.
We are all connected. We all belong to the same tree.
It's difficult to have a problem; but it's even more difficult to share a problem. At least that's my truth. When I say "share" I'm not talking about dividing the burden of a situation with somebody and making things lighter, I'm talking about the way a problem that's yours can spread to the nearest branches that surround you, the people that care.
Our problems are going to affect the people we love, whether we like it or not; that's why even if we can't control what happens to us, we can manage to conduct ourselves the best possible way. I'm not saying we must put everyone else's feelings ahead of our own when we face our own problems.. well, yes, I'm kind of am. I've learned that in order to thrive over our issues, we must keep a strong support system, but that strength must start from within. We cannot be the first branch to break and we cannot expect to gain strength by weakening other branches, we must use our own resources in order to grow out of it.
You have the right to crumble, but you have to know that no one else will pick you up after that, that'll be your own responsibility. So, if crumbling is not going to fix anything, then don't waste your time with it. Give room to your emotions, to sadness and rage, but don't let them take over; you control how long they're allowed to stay, you control when the visit ends.
Life is short, don't spend too much time mourning on the problems. Invest time in fixing them and then keep going, things can only get sweeter after that. Don't let anyone to kill the positivism by which you deal with your issues, cause it's the only thing that will keep you afloat. Use it like your paddle to keep yourself out of the swirling current that can easily take you in and get you lost. Don't let anyone take your paddle, hold on to it for dear life, there's so much to live yet.
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