To prove yourself and accomplish things based on hard work, to put some horse blinders on and just walk/run towards that goal.. how much is too much?. There's too many opinions, the ones that believe you must give it all for your dreams, and the ones who think you must never sacrifice friends and family in the process of "improvement".
The first group of people believe that somehow we need to be the best version of ourselves in order to give the best to others, so that reasoning makes the efforts and sacrifices worth it in the end. Most of all, they understand that family and friends will always want the best for us and will get the why we must do what we are doing, that neglect is not really the right word to label the situation.
The second group of people see things differently, they believe that the process of reaching a goal involves the rest of the people, that sometimes we need to sacrifice some of our personal achievements to help others achieve as well. They sincerely think that "eyes on the prize" is not the way. There's more to live than achievements and what counts is the process.
Combining the two lines of thinking? that's the ideal, but in reality it's not always as easy. Balance is, to some people, the most wanted upgrade to life. Maybe an aggregated/secondary goal could be finding a balanced middle ground to our main goal.. I don't know, something like that, it's worth the shot.
Which way works better? well, you let me know when you guys find out.. in the mean time, I'll just try to surpass my own demons and be a little more receptive to my surroundings, blinders are tiresome. Hoping I'm able to, life is not as long as we sometimes think.
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